Celebration of Learning 2025 Celebration of Learning 2025

Celebration of Learning; RHSS Leading with ‘The Why’

February 24, 2025

As an inquiry-based/project-based learning school, Rick Hansen Secondary starts with 'The Why' of things. If you are truly guided by your values, then every decision you make is aligned with those values. Our school's hallways, as well as the bi-annual Celebration of Learning projects, showcase three of these key values: Courage, Teamwork and Integrity.

The Celebration of Learning happens in January (grade 12 Capstone Projects) and May (grades 9-12 Inquiry Projects). The celebration is open for all students, friends/family, educators and community members to come to RHSS and observe all the great learning/ideas/projects our students want to share. Below are examples of how our Celebration of Learning encapsulates values important to us:

Courage - Students volunteer to participate in any capacity they are comfortable with. We have students who support other students in set-up and during the event, display tables for students to share their projects 1-on-1, a semi-formal presentation where students can present in front of a small group of people, and mainstage presentation where they have a microphone and screen to present in front of a large group of people. We had 90 grade 12s presenting their Capstones at our January 16, 2025 event, and 10 were mainstage presentations. It takes courage to participate in any capacity, and we encourage all students to challenge themselves in this safe and welcoming space.

Teamwork – It takes a school community to create an event of this magnitude. It is important that the Celebration of Learning is focused on and led by students. In addition to the student presentations, VAMA students created the invitations to the event; the RHSS band volunteered to play two sets of music, the Culinary Arts program made all the treats, RHSS PAC prepared the chai, and Leadership students assisted with social media posts, hosted a photo booth, and brought our mascot to life during the festivities. RHSS staff also work together after hours to volunteer as tech advisors, problem solvers, and hosts for our guests.

Integrity – Our Celebration of Learning keeps growing every year. We attribute this growth to our RHSS students and staff being proud of who we are, extending the boundaries of learning and innovation, and showing how our unified efforts emulate the values of our school. We are honoured to house a mural from The Reach Art Gallery (Motherland-Mother Hand by Sandeep Johal). The Reach representatives and District staff also attended the Celebration of Learning, where we unveiled the artwork and had a special Bhangra dance performance by the Rangla Punjab Arts Academy (Junior Girls). Students are excited to share their learning, staff members are collaborative and want to support each other and the school, and community members also want to be a part of our school culture.

The Celebration of Learning is one of many community events we host at RHSS, showcasing courage, teamwork and integrity. Starting with 'The Why' steers everything we do in a safe, collaborative and inclusive direction. Let us continue to make Abbyschools a destination District!