Student Services

Under this tab you will find information association with various ways we at Rick Hansen can support student learning including counsellor access, Post Secondary Information, course selection, Careers, Indigenous Education, English Language Learners, and Learning Support Services. 


September 2024 course change requests will not be considered  prior to August 26, 2024.  Students must use the link provided here to book an appointment- this link will not be live until Monday, August 26

  • CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment
  • DO NOT come to the Counselling Centre to request course changes or email your counsellors.


There are many scholarship opportunities that are available to students in grade 12. Please check in with your counselor frequently to hear about new opportunities or join the Scholarship 12 Team! The counseling center has a binder filled with all  private scholarship opportunities that come our way. Students are welcome to come peruse the binder before school, at lunch or after school.

Some helpful links are:, and