
English 9

Rick Hansen’s English 9 course is a pod program wherein students will explore the curriculum through inquiry and cross-curricular projects with science, makerspace, and art, P.E., or a language. These units include learning how to make public presentations, and so public speaking and presentation skills are a focus. The grade 9 curriculum focuses on the learning of figurative and literal language in poetry and literature. This language will be learned through units on poetry, reading, paragraph and essay writing. Students will also be introduced to the life of Shakespeare.

Compositions 10 and  New Media 10

Rick Hansen’s English 10 course is a pod program wherein students will explore the curriculum through inquiry and cross-curricular projects. The focus of this course is to explore and analyze the ways in which we communicate. Students will explore writing, identity, culture, and communication through two lenses: Composition and New Media. Composition focuses on the art of thinking, writing, and communicating, while New Media focuses on alternative methods for communication, such as infographics, podcasts, graphic novels, and film. Students can expect to work alongside their peers as well as members of our community.

Required for graduation  Prerequisite: English 9

Composition 11

Students will study poetry, short stories, a Shakespearean play and novel(s) at the senior level. Students will write personal essays and multi-paragraph explanatory and expository compositions. In Composition 11 students will be learning critical and analytical approaches to writing about literature.

Required for graduation                       Prerequisite: two 2-credit (4 total) English 10 courses (ie, Comp + NM10)

English Studies 12

The required English Studies 12 course builds on and extends students’ previous learning experiences in Language Arts 10 and 11 courses. It is designed for all students and provides them with opportunities to:

·       refine their ability to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts and to achieve their personal and career goals

·       think critically and creatively about the uses of language

·       explore texts from a variety of sources, in multiple modes, and that reflect diverse worldviews

·       deepen their understanding of themselves and others in a changing world

·       gain insight into the diverse factors that shape identity

·       appreciate the importance of self-representation through text

·       contribute to Reconciliation by building greater understanding of the knowledge and perspectives of First Peoples

·       expand their understanding of what it means to be an educated Canadian and global citizen

Required for graduation                   Prerequisite: a 4 credit English 11 course (ie. Composition 11)