Social Studies

Social Studies 9

This course covers various Canadian and world events from the years 1750 – 1914. Students will investigate some of the various political, social, economic, and technological revolutions that changed the course of civilization during this era. The creation of the nation of Canada is part of this story, and students will look at the growth of Canada’s political as well as the impact of settlement on Canada’s indigenous people and the environment.

Social Studies 10

This course covers various Canadian and world events from the years 1914 to present. The 20th Century suffered two world wars and a number of regional conflicts that Canada directly participated in. Students will investigate the impact of these conflicts on Canada and its peoples. There will also be a study of the growth of Canadian autonomy, the struggle of many groups in Canada for both basic rights and freedom from discrimination, as well as the economic growth of Canada and its role in the international community.

Required for graduation                                   Prerequisite: Social Studies 9

Explorations in Social Studies 11

This is an “exploration” course in that students will no longer study specific periods of history but instead will take on at least three “big ideas” that shape our world today. Possible topics (as selected by the instructor) might include investigations into philosophy, law, economics, social justice, world religions, indigenous and global cultures, or human/physical geography.

Required for graduation                                Prerequisite: Social Studies 10

Law Studies 12

This course looks at key areas of law such as criminal law, civil law, and family law. The origins and foundations of Canadian law are examined, as are the effects of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the application of justice. Police investigation techniques and the role of the judiciary are studied in detail, as well as how these systems deal with youth and youth crime. A field trip to a B.C. law court and one or more mock trials are part of the activities of this course.

Required for graduation - any Social Studies 12 course meets the Social Studies 11 requirement

Prerequisite: high Social Studies 10 mark

20th Century World History 12

The last century has seen the rise of authoritarian regimes as well as civil wars, independence movements and revolutions. Students will investigate these events, as well as looking at human rights conflicts, genocide and ethnic conflicts, and the issues facing indigenous people. Global conflicts will be studied in detail along with the social and cultural changes that took place alongside these events.

Required for graduation - any Social Studies 12 course meets the Social Studies 11 requirement

Prerequisite: high Social Studies 10 mark

Economics Theory 12 (School of Business only)

Every society must find a way to meet the basic needs of its members for food, clothing and shelter, as well as provide for some of the many desires that bring comfort and pleasure into life. Each society must also choose how to use its limited natural, human and capital resources. Economics 12 is the study of how society attempts to deal with social and economic problems and issues. This course covers such topics as Scarcity and Decision Making, Business Organization, Supply and Demand and the Stock Market. Students planning to undertake advanced studies in business will find this an essential course to understanding of how government, labour, and business interact.