News Stories

September 30, 2021

Honouring Truth and Reconciliation Day

Thousands of students and staff across the Abbotsford School District recognized the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Orange Shirt Day and Truth and Reconciliation Week. From a virtual assembly to classroom-based group projects, students worked with their teachers and Indigenous Education staff over the course of the last few days to build a better understanding and awareness of truth and reconciliation.

September 10, 2021

Sept 13-17

Here is a snapshot of our week, Sept 13-17:

Week 1:

Monday: ABCD

Tuesday: AB

Wednesday: CDBA

Thursday: CD

Friday:  SLO/BADC

A reminder that students have a late start on Friday due to SLO.  Block B begins at 9:35

School Photos Friday

September 3, 2021

Toti:ltcha - School Strategy for 2021-2022

As we begin to enter into September, I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome back to all to what we hope will be a wonderful school year. As we look forward to the opportunities in the weeks and months ahead, I must again extend a sincere thanks to our staff for getting us through last year. What we accomplished in British Columbia, and particularly here in Abbotsford, was truly amazing. Our society owes a debt of gratitude to the teachers, support staff, principals and managers who pulled together to care for our students when they needed us most.

August 20, 2021

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Added to Calendar

On August 3, the B.C. Government formally recognized September 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in alignment with legislation passed by the federal government in June.

As part of this formal recognition, the Abbotsford School District will be closed to all students and staff on Thursday, September 30, 2021. District employees usually entitled to federal and provincial statutory holidays will receive this day off.

May 28, 2021

Spotlight on Learning: City Hub

Spotlight on Learning: City Hub   

Trish Schubert, Career Life Exploration 10

The big idea for this project was, “How might we make Abbotsford the most inclusive community in Canada?” Students were asked to identify an idea, develop a prototype and test it during the course.

April 22, 2021

Spotlight on Learning: Spirit Buddies

Kayla Muller and Natalie Lang, Student Leadership 10-12, Rick Hansen School

Driving Question: How can we get more people participating in school events and create a positive school culture?